Sunday, November 20, 2011

Its 3 AM, I'm loaded up with a triple shot of expresso and three cups of coffee, and there is no better time than now to work on some photos. I'm in a world completely of my own existence right now. I'm perfectly content and in my own head. There is no greater feeling then playing around with photography and making a picture say 10,000 words.  Its only me and my art and whether my audience thinks its good or not I don't really care. I am in love and I am content and I am proud. Sometimes in a world of chaos its nice to escape into something that you love and forget about reality.

Photography is the beauty of life, captured. - Tara Chisholm

Monday, November 14, 2011

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

My deepest apologies! I have not been that great at updating my blog truth is time escaped me and plus I just got lazy. BUT however I did warn you in my first post that I'm not that good at keeping up with this blogging thing.  Anyway I've been up to a a lot sense my last post. My mom and I went on a long road trip through the Yosemite, Redwoods, and Death Valley then finally back up to Portland where, I have been lacking on the picture taking. But anyway, here are some new photos so I hope you enjoy them!

This was featured in a close up group on check it out there is some amazing photography there! 

I'm hoping to get this one published in Fotoblur magazine I know that it already has two votes!  

This is called "Shadows of Death Valley" it was taken in...wait for it Death Valley! 120 degrees that day! 

This one was taken in Yosemite national park.

The beach finally!